Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Aw, poor pussy cat.  It's still better than Monday.


  1. Morning. I was going to do a Orbs shingles checkup but I see he checked in yesterday with an update. Glad to hear it's clearing up.

    Got the new grandsons Christmas Stocking done last night and now I get to work on the cats. Yes, I'm one of those people.

    My goal is to come home from work at 1:00, start dusting and vacuuming and like LM, dusting the floors and then back to the stocking.

    Busy busy. Have a great day Irregulars.

  2. this week is kicking my hiney....... I want to fast forward to the weekend, please...

  3. Good evening, especially to those of the nocturnal persuasion.
