Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my dear deer!  How are you?  Nationwide spring-like weather is being reported.  Enjoy it while you can.  We all know what January and February can do, weather--wise.  They can cripple everyone with days like 20 degrees below zero, maybe a string of such days.  Well, that's what winter is.  All populations on the planet celebrate the winter solstice in one way or another.  Ours is "Merry Christmas." And a Happy New Year!  Most Christians consider Christmas to be a serious, yet festive, occasion.  Number 2 only to Easter.  But I struggle each year harder and harder to get "into the Christmas spirit."  I think the holiday end of Christmas, the commercial end, to be 90% of the population's preoccupation.  The other 10% spend the time praying and celebrating the birth of our Lord.  On Christmas Day, people who don't attend regularly often show up in church.  Good for them. On Christmas Day may we praise the Prince of Peace.  May we practice what we preach in our every day dealings.

Christmas is happening next week.  Where did the time go?

To the right you  an see the current standings in the Irregular Football League.  my Screaming Psychics are in the semi-finals.  The Orbliterators were obliterated.  They get to play in a consolation game against  the Fighting Mongrels

In the :real: world our mighty Green Bay Packers trumped and tromped the Dallas Cowboys.  Next, they meet the Oakland Raiders this Sunday, December 20, at 3:25 PM, on Oakland turf,  Please crush the Raiders.  Destroy then any way you can,  We love our Pack.

I would post about all of the festivities occurring this time of year, but there;s just too much.  I would check all of the local news and blogs to get information: Journal Times, Racine Uncovered, Racine County Eye .  I believe that you get more information in the print edition of the Journal Times.  I'm sure there's plenty going on through Christmas Day.  All you have to do is look a little bit.  It's a great time of year to mingle with other people.  It's just a great time of year.

The other day I was in the Walmart Neighborhood Market. I saw a young, male employee trying to help an old, bent over gentlemen pick out a card.  I don't know if it was a Christmas card or not that the elderly gent wanted.  You could say that the employee was just doing his job, but when I saw it, it was a much more tender moment.  It's what Christmas is made of.

Thank you one and all for reading my blog this week.  I enjoy the company of visitors, and I hope they enjoy mine.  Love, love, love to everybody!

Have you been naughty or nice?  Ask

"They" say the weather is supposed to dip for awhile, but then bounce back.  Who knows? Only God.  Drive carefully, especially behind school buses and in shopping parking lots.  I love you all.  Christmas is only one and a half weeks away. Ho-ho-ho!


  1. Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Madame. Choose whichever one you prefer to celebrate. Thanks for your column.

  2. This time of year, I really struggle, wrestling demons of the past that still haunt. This year added more family drama, talk about timing , geesh...
    time to light the Christmas tree and forget the rest, time to be merry and bright!
