Friday, December 18, 2015

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone yes we have our computer back and believe me we are so happy. I just want to thank the sheriff for stepping in for me while the computer was down. Here are the questions for this week-

1) Are you all done with your Christmas shopping?

2) Have you taken a drive to see any of the Christmas decorations?

3) What are you plans for Christmas?

4) Have you watched any of the Christmas movies on t.v.?

Have a great day and I will be posting some Christmas decoration pictures later. Drew and I went to Candy Cane Lane to get some pictures and we went around town too. 


  1. 1. Almost.

    2. No we haven't.

    3. Plans came crashing down yesterday so I don't know.

    4. I watched about 10 minutes of It's a Wonderful Life.

  2. 1. I am, I don't do it.

    2. That's almost too funny. Our wonderful city installed NO decorations, and most of the others are INFLATABLE, from Came Apart.

    3. Going to oldest daughters, to cook, etc. She's 41 in 3 day's, Not only do I get to pay for gifts for 8 grandkids, and 2 step grandkids, but I get to pay for all the food, and cook It too. MAYBE I'll leave town? I'll have to look at the weather map.

    4. NO, Christmas Celebrates the Birth of Jesus. HOW did all of this ever happen? We have millions of unhappy little kids, who get nothing, all for the wrong reason. It's a good time for those that can to get DRUNK though. Sorry, perhaps It's the pills?

  3. 1) Yes since I am the one to do the shopping.

    2) Yes we have and we went around town and to Candy Cane Lane. I will be posting pictures over the weekend.

    3) We are going to be up north with our families.

    4) Yes I have because there are some that I really like and really enjoyed seeing some new ones this year too.

    I do agree with what Toad said for the last question because that is the truth. I do think everyone forgets the real reason for Christmas the birth of Jesus.

  4. 1. No. Getting there, but time is running out. Ordered some stuff online last night, so I feel a little better. That is, if it arrives as promised. Went to Wal-mart the other evening to pick up something for dinner and there were no lines... the clerks were all standing outside their registers at about 4pm. I don't know what reports the so-called experts are drawing their information from, but I think people are really hurting, financially.

    2. Have not gone out specifically; however, some of my neighbors have really gotten into the spirit.

    3. Cleaning, hosting, cooking, shopping, cleaning more, baby holding and babysitting. It will be exhausting, but lovely.

    4. No. Haven't really taken the time for that. Too busy stressing over other things. I wish we spent more time being nice to each other throughout the year, instead of thinking we can buy our way through in December.

    Welcome back, Drew and THB. Glad you are back in business.

  5. 1. Almost done, just need to get one more thing, and $ for 2 others, all the newly-weds asked for when pushed, was $ towards a new counter and sink. That's easy enough! I did get them each 2 smaller things that will be more fun than opening an envelope!
    2. not yet, haven't been awake late enough to!
    3. Christmas eve is at my moms, ham, cheese taters, and lots of green onions, yum!Then Mrs Froggy and the new Mr will be coming here to exchange with us. Christmas day, nothing but sleep and relaxing with the hubby :)
    4. none yet, there are still a couple classics I've never seen, I may try to catch one or two

  6. 1) I don't do Christmas shopping. Can't afford it.

    2) No. I try not to drive at night because of my cataracts.

    3) Hiding.

    4) No.

    Thanks, THB, for the questions.

  7. KK, I loved your answer to people being nice.

  8. 1. Most of my gifts were sent in the form of checks. A few small items left, which I'm doing today.
    2. Not really. I walk over to see the displays in the neighborhood.
    3. A quiet one. Just the two of us. Well, I think that's it. If, however, I find someone alone, that will change.
    4. Not really. TV watching is out for me for a bit. But, I'm going to take this blasted thing off and blast some Christmas music!

    Have a great weekend, everyone and, yes, be kind every chance you get. It costs nothing.
