Friday, December 25, 2015

Open Blog - Christmas Day

Have a blessed day.


  1. WEL. it;s actually Christmas and I have made It this far. I can't wait for all the noise, and work looming In the morning. Poor Mrs. Toad spent the ENTIRE day wrapping gifts for all 15 individuals involved. ALLOWED her blood sugar to go to 64, and was shaking like a bush last night In the wind. She goes WAY TOO far each year, and I keep telling her, WE are not 25 years old anymore. I'm sitting here at nearly 1:00a.m. Christmas watching Mythbusters, for some unknown reason?

    To ALL of my Iregular friends, and family I wish a Merry Christmas, and hope you're day goes well, and safe. You are all very important In my life, and hopefully for some of us 2016 will be a much better year.

  2. Merry Christmas to each of you. Be kind to yourselves.

  3. A very Merry Christmas to all my irregular family, near and far. Last night was at my mom's house, I was awake for 22 hours after working a long day and taking care of stuff before heading over there. I crashed around 11 and just got up at 10:15 today, with no plans except cooking a turkey for tomorrow. Jammie day!!!!!

  4. Merry Christmas to everyone. We made it home from up north and we had a great time with both families. The Grandkids had Grandpa on the floor playing today before we came home. I will post a couple pictures this weekend but for Christmas decorations up north nothing that I have not already taken a picture of already.

  5. Merry Christmas Irregulars. Mine was so good, we are doing it again on Sunday. Actually, one of the little ones was contagious, so round two, coming up. As Toad said, you are all important, our chosen second family. Happy holidays, Happy festivus for the rest of us.
