Thursday, December 24, 2015

Open Blog - Christmas Eve

Have a miraculous day.


  1. 10 hour day today, then off for 4 days, can't wait to get out!
    Party at my moms tonite and NOTHING tomorrow, but sleep, resting and cooking a turkey for Saturday :) Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

  2. I'm not looking for miracles. I just want a relaxing day, getting the things done I need to do. (which are many) I'll chant my mantra, No stress... one thing done, NEXT!

    I'm wondering if Santa is planning on using a hover board with all the warm weather? I lost my internet connection late last night in the magnificent wind. After unplugging and replugging (in sequence) it was back. Whew.

    Merry Christmas, Irregulars. It is finally here.... and almost over. Both are blessings.

  3. Good morning Irregulars. I have a bored cat who is stalking me right now. When I go to pet him he tries to claw me. He's already gotten me three times. Persnickity cat. How do you spell persnickity?

    Our plans with the family got cancelled last night as sickness is going around. Saddened, but don't want to catch anything.

    Have a great Christmas Eve Irregulars in whatever you do.

  4. Merry Christmas to all. I'm done! Made some white chip citrus cookies and pepper milk dark chocolate brownies for a friend today. That's it. No more baking.

    This Christmas, my fun and friendship group happened upon a young woman whose husband had committed suicide. Three children, with the youngest turning one the 27th. We gave her children Christmas. To me, this is what Christmas should be about.

    Have a peaceful holiday, filled with joy.

  5. Beejay, how lovely to bring happiness to that family. I know it reflected back to you and your group.
