Friday, December 4, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

That's the Happy Friday dance.


  1. Happy dance for sure, off by 11 and off the weekend, can't wait to sleep in tomorrow!

  2. I'm still a dizzy blonde. A little less.

  3. It's FRIDAY!!! How about them Packers last night? Sweet win.

    Have a great Friday Irregulars.

  4. TGIF. Looking forward to some couch time, maybe crack open a bottle of Winking Owl... even though I'm on call for personal things at the moment.

    I slept through the Packer game. It sounds like the end was rather exciting.

    Is that the Carleton? I wasn't into sitcoms back then.

  5. I saw video of the end of the game, wow wow wow!!

    Too many Scrooges out there today, geesh, talk about feeling emotionally drained and battered. I may hide inside all weekend and hope they go away! The only bright spot in my day, got a surprise quick HI from THB before having to run out the door at work.
    Calgon, take me AWAY!
