Friday, December 18, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

One more week and it will be Christmas Eve. Where does the time go?


  1. not much sleep last night, too keyed up... but off tomorrow, so I'm sleeping in. Not even an earthquake shall be able to wake me!

  2. This morning after I took Drew to work I had to take a trip to Whitewater to pick my daughter up from college and she is home until Jan. 17th. I have two more batches of cookies to make and then Daddy Orbs will get his on Monday when I go around delivering cookies.

  3. was in and out of the DMV in just over 1/2 hour after work, I was amazed. My plate is officially listed as stolen, tho I have the front plate on still. Papers are getting sent in and I should now have my work alter ego on my ride :) well, in 6-8 weeks at least...

  4. THB, thanks beforehand for the cookies. I always enjoy them.
