Monday, December 21, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

It's official tonight: winter is here. (Expletive deleted!)


  1. brrrrrr, I could handle a winter of 50's and 60's. I don't even need snow, ever

  2. Temps in the upper 50's, 60's by Christmas. Life is good. Too bad the cookies I made last night aren't. They taste good but most of them are in crumbles as they stuck to the pan. Oh well. I'll put frosting on tonight which should help.

    Have a great Christmas week Irregulars.

  3. OKIE, I only use silicone baking mats, they make life so much easier, even the stickiest of cookies pop right off, they're amazing!!!!!!!!! and they clean up so fast and easy, you'll never go back

  4. clarification, I use the mats ON a cookie sheet:) every cookie sheet I have, has a silicone mat on, finally, everybody has a buddy!

  5. Big smile for me as THB has delivered to me Christmas cookies that she made. 12 different kinds. For the 12 days of Christmas? Who cares? Yum-yum.

    Thank you, THB and drew.

  6. Thanks for that LM. I'll remember that for next year. (I hope). I had parchment paper but forgot to use it.

  7. OKIE- I us the parchment paper and my cookies come out great. Just ask Daddy Orbs how they are. I never tried the mats I will have to get some to try one day.

  8. I made 2 batches this past weekend. I had a little sugar helper who did a fantastic job. Okie, frosting makes everything better! THB, Orbs sounds almost jolly! The cookies must be good!
