Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

I'd like to spend a day with him, absorbing his wisdom.


  1. I have always loved Snoopy. His unabashed joy is contagious.

  2. Well, we knew the bottom was going to drop out on the weather and it will. In the 60's the next couple of days and then starting Saturday, snow. Amazing. I thought the weatherman might be having an off night but after checking the other 2 stations, they were all in agreement.
    I am starting my 5 day vacation which is great. Nails this morning, kids and in-laws coming tonight. It will be a good day.

    Happy Christmas Eve Eve everyone.

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone.

    Today, I had my first mapping of my Cochlear Implant. Hearing up 40%. Huge. Static is here, but will diminish. Two weeks from now, we program Bluetooth for the cellphone and TV. And, I get my right hearing aid back. Yay.
