Saturday, December 26, 2015

Open Blog -Weekend

Baby knows best.


  1. Sweet Baby.

    Well, I left the house at 9:10 to hit the mall. It wasn't crowded at all. Went to Bath & Body Works where none of my lotion or the candles I wanted were available. So, I left the mall only to find a monsoon outside. In hindsight, I knew something was going on as when I was driving to the mall, it kept getting darker out. But did I bring my umbrella in? Noooooo.

    Since I was soaking wet, I made one more stop and came home to re-dry my hair and change clothes. Got on the computer and ordered from Bath & Body Works. It was much easier. Should have done it to begin with but I had plans to go to Hobby Lobby. You see, the temperature right now is 62, and by Monday it will be in the 30's.

    Now we are waiting for the kids to come and celebrate Christmas. This is my Irregular life.

  2. good morning! I'm sure glad we've been getting rain, had it been snow, I think we'd be buried alive!

  3. It's coming LM. Finally starting to snow. Hopefully it means the ice is gone.

  4. My Irregular life: men were cutting branches off my tree with chainsaws at midnight last night. I guess I was the neighborhood scourge whose tree was causing flickering light problems with the electricity over the past week. Did they really have to wait until midnight to come do the dirty work?
