Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my dear Icicles and Iciclettes!  How are you?  Winter has finally arrived.  I'm already looking forward to spring.  I hate the cold and snow and ice and wind. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away.  Sigh.  You just have to accept and deal with it, unless you're going to spend the entire winter indoors.  That doesn't sound like too much fun, either.  The single digit temperatures and below zero mornings are trying. Señor Zanza has been insulating up a storm.  Every crack and crevice of our home has been stuffed and/or sealed.  He's been doing it to save on heating costs, but I love it for the lack of cold breezes.  Winter is bad enough out there.  I don't want it in here.

Our downtrodden Green Bay Packers finally got their mojo back last week and buried the Washington Redskins.  So they continue in the playoffs this Saturday, January 16, at 7:15 pm, against the Arizona Cardinals.  They met the Cardinals a few weeks ago and things didn't go well for the Packers.  Let's hope the Packers learned their lessons and can squelch the Cardinals on the Cardinals' turf.  Keep going, men, until you win the Super Bowl.   Madame Zoltar declares it so.

Here's a blast from the past that is very funny:

Oh my!  I've "murdered" my share of plants, too.

R.I.P. to David Bowie. How distressing, especially after the death of  Lou Reed last year.  My teenage musical heroes are growing older and dying.  It's difficult to accept.  They're supposed to live forever, or at least until I die first.

A poem from e. e. cummings:

Buffalo Bill ’s
               who used to
               ride a watersmooth-silver
and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat

he was a handsome man 
                                                  and what i want to know is
how do you like your blue-eyed boy
Mister Death

I'm deeply saddened by the passing of our Irregular friend. My heart is broken. I pray that he is now in God's hands, where he belongs.

I'm sorry, but that's all I can do for now.  Too much sadness.

What does your future hold?  Ask

Keep yourselves warm, Irregulars.  You can easily get frost bite in this weather.  And watch out for kids or cars on our snowy streets.  They did a terrible job of plowing last time, so be on the look out for slick spots.  I love you all. 


  1. It is indeed a sad week. One day I'm reading how David Bowie is releasing a new album and the next day, he is gone.

    Maybe we can find some happiness if the Packers win on Sunday. And the following one as well.

    Thanks as always for your post Madame.

  2. Thanks for another blog, Mme. Z. If we stick together, we'll get through the bad times better than if we did it alone.

  3. Sad is a light way to put it. We lost one of our own. The notifications are up as to the services. Hope some of you can make it. Thanks for your post, madame. We love you.
