Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dear Madame Zoltar

Madame Zoltar has returned to her home town for the annual Radish Festival..  She planned to do her blog from the site of the Festival, but evidently she had a little to much Red Radish Rose Wine.

She sends her love to everyone and hopes to return to her blog next week.


  1. Red Rose Radish Wine sounds rather good to me. I particularly like Radish's, BIG ass Radish's without holes inside.

  2. Madame Z we hope you and the family have a great time.

  3. radishes, one of the most unappreciated veggies. really good with a little salt, have fun!

  4. I'm afraid that the Madame may be turning into, ahem, "a problem drinker." I hope she doesn't kill me for saying that. I do it out of love, Madame Z!
