Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"On Campus: Professor says 'Making a Murderer' shows justice system flaws beyond Steven Avery case"

From The Journal Times.com:

22 hours ago  •    (0) Comments

"The UW-Madison law professor who helped free Steven Avery after a wrongful conviction in the 1980s says 'Making a Murderer,' the popular Netflix documentary about his 2007 homicide trial, illustrates problems in the criminal justice system that affect many cases beyond Avery's.

"Professor Keith Findley, a co-director of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, said his organization is not currently representing Avery, whose supporters say he was wrongfully convicted in the 2005 death of 25-year-old photographer Teresa Halbach.

"But Findley said he has talked recently with Avery's attorneys, Dean Strang and Jerome Buting, and noted the innocence project could revisit Avery's case in the future, should new evidence come to light."

Read more: http://journaltimes.com/news/local/state-and-regional/on-campus-professor-says-making-a-murderer-shows-justice-system/article_4b908dac-4a20-5981-9394-66559f1bb268.html

Thank God I'm not someone with an IQ of 73 who the investigators could goad into false statements.  They never let up on that kid.  No lawyer present at any time. Sometimes people confess to a crime they didn't commit just to get the investigators off of their backs.

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