Friday, January 29, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

Have a great day.


  1. not sure if I'm feeling festive but I will certainly try!

  2. I am festive today as it will hit 70 degrees outside. At the end of January. Who would have thought.

    It's FRIDAY!!!

  3. Well today has not been fantastic for me. It started with Sunday when we came home from picking my daughter up in Oshkosh I got out of the car and I smelled gas. So I took the car to the shop and yes we had a gas leak so they fixed it and then when I went to pick up Drew are check engine light when on. Well I thought it would go off but it never did come to find out Thursday when I took Drew to work. Thursday I to the car to the shop for an oil change. When I went to pick Drew up all of a sudden when I put the car into drive it jerked. So I call the guy at the shop and he told me to bring it back in today and come to find out it was the solenoid in the rear exhaust. Well this week it cost $400 for the car. This has been my week spending it at the shop. I will never take the car any other place but JC Muffler they are so good to us over there. Now the car is back to running right thanks to them.

  4. A beautiful day here in SW Florida. Could be a bit warmer, but that returns this weekend. No rain. Been a very odd January. We have had about 13-14 inches of rain. Normal is 1.93 for the month.

  5. Beejay, they could use that rain out west.
