Saturday, January 2, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Goodbye stress.


  1. OKIE, did you feel the earthquake? I just read about it, geesh! Talk about rocking the new year...

    Oh, sleep, it's such a wonderful thing! I wish I could sleep as well on week days as I do weekends when I'm off... stupid brain just doesn't like to shut off...

  2. Hello Irregulars.

    New Years Eve was my "payday" and I bought a ton of shit to replace what I had eaten and used in the previous month. The cupboards were bare. So I got what I needed and now I'm broke again. However, I bought a bag of potato chips and some Hershey Nuggets. I hadn't eaten any of those in a month. Then yesterday, legal stranger invited me out to lunch and we went to Taco Bell, my favorite which, again, I hadn't visited in a month. We talked for three hours. The tacos were great and last night I opened the bags of chips and chocolates. Heaven for a little while, then back to reality.

  3. I have an overnight visitor at my house, and it will be a fun and glorious night. I foresee some puzzle building, book reading and play grocery shopping.

    I'm already counting the days until back to work. Too bad the days off go 3 times faster than the regular work week. Liz, I find that even when time and circumstance allow me to sleep in, I still can't seem to manage it. Every once in awhile, my brain lets me sleep, and it is amazing.

    The sun is shining here, but it is cold. Have a great day, Irregulars.

  4. Sorry for the delayed response. I have not felt the earthquakes. That being said, the are getting closer.

    Go Pack Go
