Saturday, January 16, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Happy weekend!


  1. Hi all. So nice to see such loyal Irregular representation yesterday for our friend. Glad it is the weekend. Time to relax a little.

  2. good morning! I woke up at 6, could have gotten up, but I felt chilled,so I decided to cocoon to warm up, considered getting at 7, then must have nodded off before making it upright... I did wake up feeling toasty finally at 9. I do enjoy resting!

  3. Off to buy jeans for the hubby. Not the $50 ones he has decided he likes a lot. That being said, when your jeans only last a couple of months you don't pay $50.

    Then home for my nap and football. GO PACK GO!!!!

  4. kk- He was family and family is always there for one another.

    LM- I woke up at 7 and I fell back to sleep and woke up at 8 and I have been up since.

    OKIE- I have the same problem with Drew so I go to the thrift stores and get him some work jeans for 2 or 3 dollars. To your Packers no way.

  5. He was definitely in my thoughts yesterday even through Maia's birthday celebration. We can't get a hold of miller high life, but took a shot of Jose in his honor.

  6. Good morning, er, afternoon. I slept till 2 pm. I was up until 5 am. I slept like a log. I don't think I even got up to pee.

  7. Great going, Why Not! I guarantee he'd be smiling over that. Jose and I are no longer on speaking terms. ;>

  8. Well today we have to go and fight the bitter cold to take my daughter back to Whitewater college. I really do not want to go out in the cold but she has to get back to school. I hope everyone stays nice and warm today.

  9. Another football season for the books. It was a great game last night.
    We got lucky as the bitter cold stayed north. Not warm here but no minus temps.

    Stay warm Irregulars

  10. Checking in late. Friday, we raised our glasses in a toast to our dear friend. I still can't believe it.

    Packers are out,so now I'm looking to the Panthers. Hey, we have a house in SC. Dan was rooting for the Hawks, but I decided to go with the Pan-Hawks. Whoever is winning gets me.

    This game is wild, like our weather early this morning. No damage here, just deadfall and Spanish moss was kindly removed from the trees.
