Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Unified art teachers' work on exhibit at Racine Arts Council gallery"

From The Journal Times.com:

19 hours ago  • 

"The art bug bit Samantha Stoewe early.

"She attended Fine Arts Elementary School, which nurtured her budding love of everything artistic. In high school, she joined the band and drifted away from sketching and drawing.

"But the bug was persistent. The band room was right next to the art room, and every day she walked past those rooms, art called out to her.

"'I talked to a few friends in art and, sure enough, I quit band so I could take art classes,' said Stoewe, now an art instructor at Park High School. 'By my senior year, I was in AP art and I loved it. My senior year an artwork that was submitted to Wingspread got purchased by their president at the time. That was definitely a defining moment in my young art career.'

"To help nourish and nurture the next generation of artists at Racine Unified School District, Stoewe is one of nine district art instructors exhibiting their work at the Racine Arts Council’s ArtSpace Gallery, 316 Sixth St., for the next four weeks.

"The show, called 'Unified,' runs until Feb. 21. The exhibit showcases the talents of art educators from Racine elementary, middle and high schools.

"The show also fits perfectly with the mission of the Racine Arts Council, founded in 1967. The council was started to encourage, support and advocate on behalf of emerging and established artists, artistic groups in our community, and young people interested in the arts.

"It is the second time the gallery has exhibited work from Unified art instructors."

Read more:  http://journaltimes.com/news/local/education/unified-art-teachers-work-on-exhibit-at-racine-arts-council/article_61d5f3f6-6957-507e-8b85-965a3b2931bc.html

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