Monday, February 1, 2016

Open Blog - Monday

Where does the time go?


  1. my mind refused to shut off last night, just like a tank full of hamsters running on their little wheels...

  2. 1st day of February. After trying to convince a computer that we were not "robots", we finally got tickets to see Bruce. Can't wait.

    Have a great day Irregulars. This is our last warm one for a while.

  3. There are days I have to convince myself that I'm not a robot. Congratulations on the procurement, Okie. Should be an amazing show.

    We had lots of melting yesterday, then freezing overnight. Made the roads a bit slick this morning. I came upon a bird, in the middle of the road who had a death wish. He almost got his wish. Good thing for ABS brakes.

  4. Today I went to see Drew for lunch and then on the way home on 4Mile Rd between Hwy 38 and Hwy 31 I seen ten deer running across the road and I almost hit one of them. I had to hit the brakes really fast so I would not hit any of them. I didn't think I would see deer at this time of the year but with the weather being so warm they think it is Spring time.

    kk I know what you are talking about having the good brakes.

    Have a great day everyone.

  5. hello fellow Wisconsinites!
    Hankering down for this damn storm that seems to have a bulls eye on where I am.
    I am not a robot!
