Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Open Blog - Tuesday

Or else!


  1. definitely on the agenda for the day after work

  2. Please get out there exercise your basic right as an American Citizen. I'm so tired of listening to these crackpots we have in there now. Especially here in Oklahoma.

    We are in the 60's today with a pretty fierce wind. I'll take it.

  3. Funny don't ya think? Voting today for State Supreme Court? Our State Is corrupt, and I'm not going out to humor them. On an even funnier note. We voted for PRESIDENT Obama twice, or should I say elected? Anyhow, TWICE, and our Constitution states the PRESIDENT shall nominate the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, yet we have a POLITICAL party In this country called The Republican Party, that will NOT allow the PRESIDENT to do his job, because they use the excuse It's an election year. I look forward to HIS NOMINATION of an individual and the BULLSHIT that comes out of the nomination. I don't know what EXECUTIVE POWERS the PRESIDENT has left, but I hope he uses ALL of them prior to November. BTW, Did anyone check to see If DICK CHENEY was at the resort Scalia was at when he died?

  4. Our primary is in April. Early voting March. I will be voting! Damn, get your butt out and vote!

  5. Nobody votes in primaries, let alone elections, here. I woke up late and was at the poll around 5 PM. I was #365. I'm surprised there were that many votes, and it was snowing out. The after work crowd should have doubled that number.

    Side note: we have voter ID now. The little old lady who scrutinized my license did so meaner than any cop I ever met. She kept looking at it and then looking at me, rinse, repeat. She even asked me my address and double-checked my license. I thought maybe she wasn't going to give it back. She should work for the State Patrol

  6. Jon Oliver mentioned the voter ID law on Sunday. Apparently if you need an ID you can get one. The place is open on the 5th Wednesday of every month. March 30,June 29, August 31, are the only days.
    Way to go Wisconsin. Apparently having an ID to register to vote doesn't matter any more.
    Between 2000 and 2014,out of 1 billion votes, there were 37 allegations of voter fraud. I don't have any more to say, except I'm lying when I say that.

  7. I was number 55 after work. No lines, no waiting. Plenty of apathy. Everyone has an opinion, but not the will to exercise it.

  8. The ONLY election on our ballet was for State Supreme Court. I care more about my Parmesan Cheese.

  9. but Toad, cheddar is better!! :) Hubby and I both went and voted after I got out of work, can't wait for all the ads, both TV and mail, to end!

  10. So In April I get to vote for Kloppenburg. I WILL vote In April. It's kinda like a basketball game. The only part of the game that counts In a race like THIS one Is the General Election. In Basketball, you only have to watch the last 2 minutes.

  11. BTW, I went to the store, and asked for Parmesan Cheese with more wood In It than 8%, and they didn't have any. Darn It. Makes me wonder how much the canned mushroom people are cheating on the amount of bugs, etc. allowed In a can of mushrooms? Can (no pun intended) you imagine how many of those green worms end up In the canned corn?
