Friday, March 25, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

Which color are you today?


  1. I"ll be the blue, that shade is really pretty. Hubby made it home safe, I work til noon, then going to vote early, company at 5 and crashing after that. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!

  2. I got my car back I got my car back. Okay,hubby got his truck back. Life is returning to normal again.

    It's FRIDAY!!!!!

  3. OKIE- I can not tell you are happy about getting your car back. LOL

    I am just happy it is the weekend and I do not have to get up early with Drew.

  4. I picked blue today, too. Nice and mellow. Had the day off. It was nice.....

  5. I need a punching bag to let out my frustration. I was dealing with an online site that promised service within minutes. It took two hours of calls to their service number to get it correct.

    I'm no longer suited to this world. Really. I uploaded a 4 page document to the site. They tell me one is blurry. I ask which one? She says it's blurry so she can't read the page number. I said, "Check the three good ones you have and the missing page will be the one." This concept flew entirely over her head. She finally said, "I think it's page 2." So I uploaded page 2 again. After receiving it, she says no, it's page 3.

    I hope I croak before this generation takes over entirely.

  6. Orbs, I feel your pain. I think we are all hooked on computers and when they don't do what we want them to we get agitated. Still better than spending hours in a library trying to find everything you need.
