Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a relaxing day.


  1. Field trip. Riding the big yellow bus. Relaxing? Hmmmmm.

  2. The only trips we ever took In High School were to other schools to perform as the GREAT Choir we had under Mr Saetviet. We were all over the place, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kenosha. I loved that class.

  3. This past Friday, my wife called with "Horrible News" our 6 year old Grandson Henry (my avatar on Facebook) now has Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes, just like his cousin Robbie, who Is now 20 and In his 15th year of the terrible disease. Henry spent two days In Children's Hospital In Madison for initial treatment, and It Is now up to his parents to help him understand and control this life threatening disease. The fortunate part of this event, Is his Aunt Annie, over the last 15 years has become so informed, and good at handling ALL aspects of the disease, that she will be our daughter Kate's best source of information. Kate can't cook a lick, and as Annie say's, "She had better learn" I bought some diabetic cookbook's on Amazon today, a Crockpot one, and a real easy one. Hopefully she will learn. Anyhow to have 1 diabetic child was bad, but now to have 2 Is really bad. Wish her and Henry the best. Robbie Is now old enough, and In college, and know's the rules, (which he bends) so hopefully things work out well.

  4. Sorry, Toad for your bad news. It's tough with kids because they don't understand "the rules." I knew a kid in high school who had diabetes and somehow got into the sacristy of his church and drank a mess of wine. He ended up in the hospital, but survived.

  5. I'm so sorry Toad :( I know we'd much rather go thru things to keep our kids and grandkids (none in my future tho...) from suffering. Sadly, even adults don't seem to follow the rules. I know at least 2 people, my brother in law being one of them, that does not do what he should for his diabetes, and he suffers for it. It just doesn't make sense to me, he doesn't have to suffer but it doing it to himself, DOOMPKUF!
    (phonetic German me grandpa used to use all the time)

  6. I'm sorry, Toad. It is so hard when kids have medical issues.

    I know that for some diabetics, it is a powerful urge to eat sugar. It is a deep craving which some find an impossible fight. I've known a couple people who battled this. It hurts to watch those you love do things that are hurtful and dangerous to themselves.
