Sunday, March 27, 2016

"The GREAT of the people of Racine! A caring Racine man was an Easter Bunny to many children"

From RacineUncovered:

Filed under: Commentary/Opinion,Local News |
"On March 17th we had gotten word that a caring Racine man was at Kmart on 21st and Green Bay Road buying Easter baskets for children who may otherwise not get one. We were contacted by a person who was so moved by what David Ozier was doing we put them in touch with each other. David went back again the next day and purchased 3 cart fulls of baskets (with the help of 'Tom').

"Today we were able to see the smiles, laughter and joy this afternoon when David passed the baskets out to children at the Salvation Army on Washington Ave. Please enjoy these pictures from today! When we talked with David and asked him why he did this, he stated when he walked into Kmart that day he saw those baskets and knew that many children would go without and wanted to give back to the community. This shows the GREAT of the people and the positive.

"We also had the opportunity to visit with his nephew Koreem Ozier. He is a student at Case High School who is a medal and trophy winning basketball player. We spoke about the good in the community, the positive, being a great role model and giving back. On a personal note. Koreem you are a great example of our youth, I was very impressed with you and your uncle. Koreem you and your uncle show what the community CAN DO and GETS DONE! Much respect to all of you involved and a special thank you to everyone at the Salvation Army on Washington that opened their doors up today to allow this to happen!"

Read more and see photos:

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