Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Open Blog - Tuesday

Did you?


  1. I voted early, I can't stand crowds. It's the only way to go.

  2. Ah my fellow Irregulars, it is over after today. No phones ringing, no constant ads on the tv. At least for a few months anyway.

    I feel bad you guys are cold as we are enjoying temps in the 80's. But with that comes 35 mph winds. I can take it.

    Yesterday I had the day off so I went outside and washed some windows. My husband came home and watered the grass. He also watered the windows which now have a nasty film over them. I girl just can't win.

    What a game last night. Wow. Have a great day Irregulars. Stay warm.

  3. Yes I did. I even wrote my name In for County Supervisor. The prick lives next door, and I didn't even know his term was up. He's a short guy, with a woman's voice. I think he has issues?

  4. I was number 1153 at 4:30. The place was packed. There must have been a dozen names running for the Republican candidacy.
