Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Open Blog -Tuesday

Pretty handwriting.


  1. Man it is soupy out there today. Not liking it as we have bad storms predicted today. I had to reschedule my nail appointment as I have to work tomorrow. The good news is, it is in the basement which means I will be safe if I stay there. That being said, there are 12 stories above that.
    Other than that, the hubby got up on the roof to figure out where the leak in the kitchen is coming from. Found a hole on one of the little turbines up there so he calked it.
    I didn't have the heart to tell him I thought the A/C was acting up. He figured it out and checked that too. It was froze up. Cleaned it and now it is working just fine. All the little things floating in the air always go into the a/c unit.

    Life is good. The OKC Thunder have advanced to the next round. Have a great day Irregulars.

  2. OKIE, Good thing the nail appointment It In a basement, with 12 stories above It. It would take an awful big storm to take 12 stories down, but at least you will have pretty nails.

  3. That's a fact Toad. The one thing I have to do is get my tornado bag ready. Jewelry, grandmas birth certificate from 1884 I think.

    Looking for Orbs. I need cat advice.

  4. He keeps throwing up. I'm wondering if it is the food and if it is, do I need to go through the garbage to see what kind makes him sick. He gets a variety. Or, do you think its the treats?

    Don't get me wrong, he is healthy, just hurls a lot.

    Now I am off to walk the dog before the storms hit.

  5. Are they furballs he's throwing up, or just puke? My mom had cats that just puked and puked. Sometimes Charlie eats too fast and ends up puking. Elmo looks like a longhair, so furballs wouldn't be unexpected. "Kitty grass" might help. You grow this "grass" (oats, wheat, barley) and the cat eats it. My mom said it's good for their digestion. I have three containers going for Charlie regularly.

    For some evolutionary reason I can't fathom, cats don't possess the ability to digest their own fur. What kind of sense does that make for an animal that's licking itself all the time? Charlie has short, stiff fur. He rarely pukes up a hairball.

  6. No hairballs just dinner. I believe when they have treat time, they are getting too many. I found out today you shouldn't give dogs cat treats.

    Orbs, I appreciate your help with Elmo. It means a lot.
