Saturday, April 2, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Cool. Where we going?


  1. The weekend is here and I was up watching Racine Wisconsin on MSNBC. Looks pretty cold and snowy up there. Lots of action up there today.

    We are off to a soccer game in the 50 degree temps. Oh wait. Compared to you it is a heat wave. Enjoy your Saturday Irregulars.

  2. woke up to a this layer of snow on the grass... very bright out. 50 sounds nice, it keeps taunting us - here I am, now I'm not, here I am again, catch me if you can!

  3. OKIE- I would take the 50 degree weather over this nasty white stuff any day.

  4. Happy weekend. I'll take this weather over below zero temperatures any day. Winter hangs on here, but it really was a rather mild one.

    Where do I get a copy of my mother's death certificate? County Courthouse on Wisconsin Ave.?

  5. The hospital should be the place to get it.

  6. County Courthouse. Register of Deeds. It will cost you though. You can look on-line and see what the charges are. I know this because I used to work at the Health Department and we had birth and death certificates filed with us as well. I'm pretty sure the Register of Deeds is the only one. Thats where I had to go when I needed my birth certificate.

  7. I believe Okie is correct. They can be costly. I remember when my parents died, they suggested we originally request more copies than we thought were necessary, because it would be less expensive than having them reprinted in the future.

  8. kk and OKIE, I believe you're correct. One of my nieces thinks she may have a copy, but won't know until she gets home from Myrtle Beach tomorrow. I remember hearing get more death certificates than you think you'll need at the time of death as they're relatively cheap then, but shoot up in price once they're filed.

    Wtf, it's 70 degrees out there.
