Saturday, April 30, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Let's party!


  1. We are in SC at our vacation home in Walhalla. Quite a change from Pt Charlotte. Here I can find a deer in the driveway, or a wild pig. Last year, there were a herd of horses down there!

    Today, we are off to Rabun Gap for a flea market. Next weekend is Mayberry Days in Westminster, about six miles from us. Ummmm, that should be interesting. Opie, Aunt Bea? I understand there will be a pickle contest...uh-oh.

    This is life in the slow-lane, and I like it!

  2. Good Morning everyone Drew and I are going to be going down to Illinois to put flowers by my Dad's grave. My Dad's birthday was this past Monday so I just want to go down there also we are going to have lunch with two of my cousins while we are there. I will try to see if I can find any flowers while I am down there.

  3. Because of all the rain in Norman last night, games are cancelled. Yeah. I get to go shopping for some white jeans. Old Navy here I come.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. pickle contest? sounds like fun! My nieces are pickle crazy, can't ever seem to have enough when the are here.
    Safe travels, THB!

  5. That episode with the pickles is right up there with Vitameatavegamin.
