Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"Emu escapes in Yorkville, not considered dangerous"

From The Journal Times.com:


"YORKVILLE — The Racine County Sheriff’s Office isn’t very worried about a loose emu that escaped in Yorkville.

"'We deal with this every day, people’s animals getting out,' Sgt. David Coughlin said. 'It’s an emu. It’s a small ostrich. It’s not going to hurt anybody.'

"According to Coughlin, the Sheriff’s Office received a call at about 1 p.m. Monday about an emu that had escaped from a hobby farm in Yorkville. Some good Samaritans tried to recapture the emu, but that only further exasperated the situation, as the emu fled.

"'It’s not a people emu,' Coughlin said.

"The emu escaped while its owners were moving other animals, according to Coughlin. Some neighbors have seen the animal in the area, and the owners have worked to recapture it.

"The emu’s owners declined to provide additional details about their lost animal, since having a bunch of people trying to track the emu could make the situation worse. The Sheriff’s Office isn’t devoting any personnel to the emu for the same reason.

"'People come out with goodhearted intentions and might totally screw it up worse than it already is,' Coughlin said.

"The emu remained at large as of late Tuesday afternoon, said the owners, who did not want to be identified."

Read more:  http://journaltimes.com/news/local/emu-escapes-in-yorkville-not-considered-dangerous/article_12ff17d2-4600-5677-8913-cce2a82c1254.html

Right.  Absolutely harmless . . .

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