Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hallelujah! - "Say goodbye to Time Warner Cable: sale leads to name change"

From The Journal

MARLEY JAY Associated Press  0

Associated Press

"NEW YORK — Time Warner Cable is going away, and that means you might have a new cable company to hate. But you might find one you like better instead.

"Time Warner, the largest cable provider in New York and Los Angeles, among other markets, was just bought by Charter Communications Inc., which has mostly operated in the Midwest. The Stamford, Connecticut-based company also bought Bright House Networks Wednesday. That makes Charter the second-largest home Internet provider and third-largest video provider in the U.S. Over the next year and a half, Charter will phase out the Time Warner Cable and Bright House names in favor of its own brand, Spectrum.

"New Spectrum subscribers will probably like some things. Charter will continue trying to boost Internet speeds and won’t have usage-based billing or caps on how much data customers can use. Its prices are generally lower than Time Warner Cable’s, and Charter says it will use its size to negotiate better deals with channel owners.

"Aguilar said Time Warner Cable in particular is seen as a static, distant company that doesn’t care about its customers. (Emphasis added.) But Charter has an opportunity to change that now. Comcast renamed its cable business Xfinity in 2010, and Aguilar said consumers like Xfinity as a brand.

"'If they marry the name with significant improvements in the customer experience, they could have something very interesting,' he said.

"But that might be tough. Over time, cable bills are likely to keep rising. The merger means Spectrum will have even less competition to keep prices down. Many of Time Warner’s cheaper deals, which offer slower Internet speeds, will go away. Costs for cable companies are still rising because they pay high prices for the rights to carry channels on cable lineups, and those increases get passed on to consumers.

"Those kinds of annoyances make complaining about cable companies a fact of life for a lot of people. From rising bills to unexplained outages to long hold times on the phone and lengthy and long waits for service, there’s always something to keep customers unhappy with their provider. Time Warner, which tried to merge with also-hated Comcast in 2015, had been acknowledging that lately. Its ads last year nodded toward typical cable company shortcomings, and in recent weeks the company has run an ad campaign that says it’s 'Changing for Good.' The ads say its service has improved and 99 percent of its technicians arrive within the one-hour appointment window consumers are given."

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I'm already in training for new wars with the new owners.


  1. I had Charter Cable when I lived up in Shawano and the people that worked for them are really nasty to the customers. If I have to deal with them I am going to find a way to reach through the phone and choke them. With Time Warner I never had a problem and I can always get a cheaper package deal with them.

  2. Only time will tell, but I'm hoping for the best. I've heard that Comcast is also swamped with calls for customer service and tech support. TWC has lied to me more times than I can remember. My phone service is still shit. Everyday, I have to "reset" the modem by unplugging it and then plugging back in. I had an appointment for a technician, but he never showed. Lies, lies, lies.

  3. I called TWC and asked if I can just swap out my modem like the good old days. Surprisingly, she said yes. Then she wanted a date and time when I would be picking it up. I said how about if I give you a date and time and then don't show up, like you do to me? She had no answer for that. I finally said I'll swap out the modem whenever I want to. Charter can't be worse, can they?
