Monday, May 16, 2016

"Johnson says supporting Trump different from endorsing him"

From The Journal

"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Republican Sen. Ron Johnson says that his supporting of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is not the same as endorsing him.

"The Eau Claire Leader Telegram reported earlier this month that Johnson said 'I am going to certainly endorse the Republican nominee, and obviously it looks like that will be Mr. Trump.'

"But in an interview Sunday with 1380-AM in Janesville, Johnson says 'To me, support versus endorse are two totally different things.'

"Johnson says he could withdraw his backing for Trump at any point, just as he would any candidate who 'crosses a line' or is so major he couldn't support them."

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LOL.  Politics at its best (worst).  Playing word games to cover his ass instead of taking a stand.  Politicians know how to do nothing but lie to us.  What "line" would have to be crossed before Sen. Johnson awakens from his stupor?  I must admit a bit of admiration of these nonsense pronouncements.  I love language and these sons of bitches play it like a fiddle.  Too bad it's always in the negative.

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