Friday, May 20, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

Can you be in love with a day? If so, Friday is a good choice. Or maybe Saturday...


  1. It's Friday!!! Actually this week went by pretty quick. I like it. On to the weekend where no soccer, wedding showers or birthday parties will occur. I like it.

  2. OKIE- That means you can do what you want to do how nice is that.

  3. Weather is supposed to be great. Time to fire up the grill.

  4. Daddy Orbs- Drew cooked out last night and he said that is going to cookout this weekend also. I just love the taste of food cooked on the grill.

  5. My mother would grill steaks for my wife and I every Sunday, year round. God, those were good. One winter Sunday, the Journal Times sent a photographer and reporter to her house to take pictures of her by the grill and interview her.

    I had to take down my ringing endorsement of "The Real Club House" because it rang flat. I found out today that they aren't letting just anybody join. Under the current regime, it appears that you have to have an "in" to receive an invitation to blog. That's the same shit we left the Journal Times site for. So, it's a very "Real" clubhouse clique and it's very "Real" censorship.

  6. Put a spin on things as you choose to justify your shameful actions. You, sir, are the one who went in and locked out a fellow administrator with false claims of sabotage. You then went in and reposted, no... STOLE my propriety work. What is left of the JTI after your antics is a shell of its former glory. You can hate me all you want, but I refuse to hate others. People already have seen through your revenge and hurtful lies.

  7. I was planning on quitting on June 1, the JTI's 8th birthday, but a number of individuals say they want the site to stay. So stay it will. How active it'll be, I have no idea.

    I locked you out after you maimed the site by deleting hundreds of blogs. I thought you might just delete everything. Everyone has seen and knows this.

    Every now and again on, I'd appoint someone a moderator of a subforum and they'd delete everything. Luckily we had a restore feature, so we could get the subforums back. These were mostly adolescents. They were the first thing I thought of when I discovered your actions. Adolescents throw hissy fits and delete hundreds of blogs.

    I'm sorry, I didn't see a © on anything. Sue us if you feel you've been stolen from.

    I don't hate you. I've mourned the loss of our friendship, instead.
