Friday, May 27, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

I'm gonna play hard to get.


  1. busy, crazy week is almost behind us, we made it, whew!

  2. It's about time that Friday got here. [Tapping foot.] It feels like we've been waiting a week.

    Today/tonight kicks off the Memorial Day weekend. Please, if you must imbibe, do so moderately; or, better yet, get a designated driver and drink yourself into oblivion. That was the way I drank. I never understood "social drinking." I drank to get drunk, always. Stupefied. Shit-faced. Blasted. Lit. Plastered. Stoned.

    It's too bad that the idea of a designated persona hasn't caught on. Someone stays sober and acts like you, while you get hammered. This might've saved thousands of marriages.

  3. Yesterday my older daughter came down here from Appleton and took me to the Milwaukee Public Museum. That was my Mother's Day present from her. We spent about 6 hours there walking around and we had lunch there. It was really nice to spend the day with both of my girls and believe it no fighting between the two of them.

    Now for today Drew had to be to work at 4am so guess who gets to pack the car later to go up north for the weekend yes me fun. This is going to be one long day. It starts out taking Drew to work, then take my younger daughter for a job interview at the movie theater, get an oil change and go pick Drew up from work and go up north. We will be back either Sunday or Monday.

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

  4. I've been working like a dog.. I'm at 70 hours of overtime for my part this month and I think I'm losing my mind... It's greast we are busy but I dont know how much more I can take before I'm down for the count.. my back is killing me and I'm constantly tired.. really truly love my job but this is a bit much..

  5. Why Not, here they always want more work from the "good' workers, while the others slack off. A friend told me that now we have to work 47-1/2 hours to earn wht we used to get in 40 hours. People who know what they're doing are constantly overworked while the dummies remain unemployable and ride on the backs of the others.
