Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Open Blog - Wednesday

Too healthy for me.


  1. I usually don't have much a life, work, and sleep, that's about it. Yesterday was a long work day, then my sister in law wanted to take me out for lunch with my niece who was in town. It was great fun, I was up too late but it was worth it. I need to get out more!

  2. My friend sleep is missing. I need her back. If found, please return to me immediately!

  3. Sory for the insomnia, Beejay. I hate it when I want to fall asleep, but can't. Often, I'll just assume my favorite position for sleep in bed, and then force myself to stay there. If you lie there long enough, sleep will come. Unfortunately, it will come half an hour before your alarm goes off for the new day.

  4. I've asked Madame to help convince me not to clean windows today. I'm hoping her psychic powers will straighten me out.

  5. KK, Time only flies In death. I have never understood It. My dad's been gone 45 Years, and my Mom 28. It seems like such a short time ago. Perhaps It's all of the things we never got to say to each other? I wait for the day I go to the same place as they are? and am able to help them understand me.

  6. Not a day goes by that a question will pop up and I'll think, "I'll have to ask mom." Then I remember she's dead and think, "I'll ask Gina" (my sister). Then I remember that she's dead, too.

    For as sick and messed up that my family was, I miss them terribly. I hope there's some sort of afterlife that would allow me to be with them again.

  7. So interesting how we all feel the same. My dad died in 79 and my mom in 2001. Let's be honest and admit that we can sometimes hear them in our heads. What would mom think and most of the time we know.
    I was informed this morning that one of my best friends brother died last night. It was expected but none the less very sad.

    Life goes on.

  8. My dad died 42 years ago on January 1st. My Mom died eight years ago. I miss them both. Doug has been gone 8-1/2 years. Impossible to believe. My best friend, nine years ago. Time just seems to race by without them. I did my best for all of them and they left knowing I loved them.

    New people come into our lives, but they never quite truly fill the spots your loved ones held.
