Monday, May 2, 2016

While out birding!

This past Friday Drew and I went out to Kenosha County by Des Plaines River on Hwy N in the town of Paris birding we seen a house that had been on fire. We had been out that was the week before and the was was fine. We stopped to take pictures on the way back and by the smell you could tell that is had just happened recently. This was just weird for Drew and I to see since we do go down that road very often to get pictures of birds.

I looked it up and come to find out that the house was on fire Friday morning around 5am. I guess this was a real bad fire they had to call in nine fire departments including Bristol, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha, Kansasville, Somers, Newport, Caledonia, South Shore and Union Grove. On this property they had a fire back in February the barn was on fire. From what the article said the owners live out of state. There was no one in the house at the time and it is still under investigation.

Here are some pictures of the house.

Bristol Fire and Rescue, Pleasant Prairie Fire and Rescue, Kenosha Fire Department, Kansasville Fire Department, Somers Fire and Rescue, Newport Fire Department, Caledonia Fire Department, South Shore Fire Department and Union Grove Fire Department. - See more at:
Bristol Fire and Rescue, Pleasant Prairie Fire and Rescue, Kenosha Fire Department, Kansasville Fire Department, Somers Fire and Rescue, Newport Fire Department, Caledonia Fire Department, South Shore Fire Department and Union Grove Fire Department. - See more at:


  1. very sad and such loss :( I hope everybody was ok. Just another reminder that you just never know what will happen, ever
