Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I am so sorry I have not been posting anything on here lately I have been really busy with Doctor appointments and Drew with migration last month. I finally got caught up with my wildflowers today so now I will be able to start posting more on here for everyone to enjoy. Here are some pictures from up north.

         This is a picture of a Common Loon the picture was taken at Whitefish Lake in Three Lakes Wi.

This is a picture of a Osprey this picture was taken on Hwy 55 in Lily Wi. It was raining so the Osprey is really wet in the picture.

               This is a picture of a Pileated Woodpecker this picture was taken on Hwy DD in Pickerel Wi.

This is a picture of a Snapping Turtle this picture was taken on Hwy DD by Bog Brook in Pickerel Wi. I know this is not a picture of a bird but the turtle is laying her eggs.

This is a picture of a Yellow Headed Blackbird this picture was taken at MACC Wildlife Refuge in Black Creek Wi.

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures we really enjoy going out and taking the pictures to share with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Thank you for posting them, THB. I don't care if it's a turtle or bird or whatever. I always enjoy photos of your forays into nature.
