Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"Caledonia residents displeased with switch to regional land-use plan"

From The Journal Times.com:

MARK FELDMANN mark.feldmann@journaltimes.com  11

"CALEDONIA — Future development in the village will be guided by a large, metropolitan plan created largely by outsiders, much to the chagrin of some village residents who created a localized land-use strategy 10 years ago.

"The Caledonia Plan Commission last week heard from nearly a dozen residents who wanted the village to keep a neighborhood-specific land use plan devised by residents from 2003 to 2006.

"Instead, the village will use a plan created by Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, dubbed the 2035 plan.

"SEWRPC is the official metropolitan planning organization and regional planning commission for seven counties in southeastern Wisconsin, including Racine and Kenosha.

"The commission was created in 1960 to provide basic information and planning services to solve problems which transcend local units of government, according to the SEWRPC website.

"The two plans vary in some areas, and residents told the village Plan Commission they want the 2006 plan, which formulated specific land uses and green space requirements for individual neighborhoods, to take precedent.

"'I think it’s a little disturbing that the work we did gets put aside,' said Susan Greenfield, a former Caledonia town chairman who worked on the 2006 plan.

"Greenfield suggested forming a citizen group to review the two plans. 'I think you should hear what we thought should be there,' Greenfield said. 'This is our village. I think the recommendations we made back then were good ones.'"

Read more:  http://journaltimes.com/news/local/caledonia-residents-displeased-with-switch-to-regional-land-use-plan/article_f25c400f-c122-5166-aeb6-664faed87283.html

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