Sunday, June 12, 2016

JT Irregulars

I put in eight years of blood, sweat,and tears.  And some laughs.  I'd gladly put in another eight, but it's not to be.  I feel like I've lost a family member or put down a beloved pet.


  1. we had our ups and downs, and I'm grateful for the friendships that we forged here

  2. I made more enemies than friends. And I lost legal stranger's friendship. Lose-lose for me.

  3. Daddy Orbs there are friendships that you have not lost too. I know how it feels to lose friends but the friends I still have I know are my real friends.

    I agree with LM I am so grateful for the friends I have with the JTI's.

  4. Grateful for all the friends I made. Orbs, only you can get the friendships back.
