Monday, June 6, 2016

"Move Over: Slow Traffic to the Right is DOT Law of the Month"

From Racine County Eye:

By Heather Asiyanbi in Community, Government · June 5, 2016 · No comments 

"Drivers on Wisconsin’s divided highways be aware: you could get a ticket and lost points if you drive too slow in the left lane instead of using the right lane.

"Racine Neighborhood Watch posted on their Facebook page Saturday a reminder that not obeying this law could cost motorists up to $213.10 and four demerit points on their license.

"With gas prices at their lowest points in 10 years, AAA is predicting a busy summer, according to a story in their online newsroom, with nearly 56 percent of American drivers saying they plan on taking a road trip this year.

"'This year’s summer driving season is expected to be characterized by higher-than-normal gasoline demand,' the story reads. 'More than half of Americans say low gas prices are the reason they will travel this summer.'

"WIth the increased traffic, paying attention to and obeying this law just makes good sense. Neighborhood Watch lists pointers from Wisconsin State Patrol about staying safe while traveling state roadways:

"• If you’re not passing another vehicle, use the right lane as much as possible.
• If you’re in the right lane, allow other drivers to merge from the left lane into the right lane so that faster traffic can pass in the left lane. In addition, provide space for vehicles to merge into the right lane when they are entering a roadway from an on-ramp.
• If you’re in the left lane, don’t tailgate or try to make a slower vehicle ahead of you move to the right lane. Be patient and courteous"

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"Be patient and courteous"  ROFLMAO!

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