Thursday, August 4, 2016


Hello everyone sorry I haven't been on here for a long time I have been busy helping my son with the Coed Bridal Shower that was this past weekend. Drew did do some birding while we were up north and I am going to share some of the pictures with everyone.

                  This is a Connecticut Warbler this picture was taken at Bog Brook in Pickerel Wi. 

            This is a picture of a Lincoln's Sparrow this picture was taken at Bog Brook in Pickerel Wi.

     This is a picture of a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker this picture was taken at Bog Brook in Pickerel Wi.

There are more pictures that we have I will share more another day. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Compare the Connecticut Warbler to Lincoln's Sparrow. So much diversity in this world. Thank you for sharing it, Tender Heart Bear.
