Friday, August 5, 2016

Four for Fridays!

Hello everyone I am sorry about not posting Four for Fridays last week I was busy packing to go up north. We had my son's Coed Bridal Shower to attend since I am mother of the groom I had to be there. So here are some questions for everyone.

1) Have you ever put a puzzle together?

2) Do you ever forget about any appointments you have?

3) Are you going to watch the Olympics?

4) Are you ready for football season?

I hope everyone has a great day!


  1. I will go first!

    1) Yes

    2) Yes I have

    3) Maybe

    4) Not really

    Have a great day!

  2. 1) Yes, but it was decades ago.

    2) Yes, so I rely on the computer to remind me.

    3) No.

    4) Yes. It's all the same to me.

  3. ) Have you ever put a puzzle together?
    puzzling question, Yes I have and I still don't know why

    2) Do you ever forget about any appointments you have?

    3) Are you going to watch the Olympics?
    Can you get zika from watching them?

    4) Are you ready for football season?
    I am but the rest of me says no
