Friday, August 26, 2016

Four for Fridays!

Sorry this is being posted late today I had a lot of errands to do this morning. I hope everyone is enjoying the nice cool weather that we have been getting. Here are your questions for today.

1) Do you like to get your picture taken?

2) When you have going camping did you have a tent or a camper?

3) Have you ever rented movies or cd's from the library?

4) Have you ever done something last minute or do you like to have a plan?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Not particularly.

    2) I don't do camping, but if I did, it would be with a camper.

    3) Yes, many times.

    4) I have a plan, but then I wait until the last minute.

    Thank you for this week's questions, THB.

  2. 1) Do you like to get your picture taken?
    I won't stand still and wait for a picture, do you get my drift?

    2) When you have going camping did you have a tent or a camper?
    Sometimes both, sometimes neither.

    3) Have you ever rented movies or cd's from the library?
    No, but I have bought chocolate from the store.

    4) Have you ever done something last minute or do you like to have a plan?
    Both, not afraid of winging an adventure or changing a plan, One never knows what lies ahead.

    And talking about winging it, how's it going irregulars?

  3. The silence is deafening, although less people are online on the weekends. OKIE will respond if she sees this.
