Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Open Blog - Election Day

Or else!


  1. I voted. For a country that is so angry, I found everyone in line to be quite happy and nice. Maybe because it is finally over. We have a whole year before it starts up again.

  2. I will just be happy that the phone calls stop and the commercials.

  3. I planned to be there when the polls open, but, of course, I way overslept. I got there about 3:45 pm. The place was jammed. Most of them, I think, were registering to vote on Election Day. Because of my last name, my wait wasn't too long.

    I had received only one political phone call. Today, however, I've already received three, all from the Democratic Party urging me to vote.

  4. tomorrow life will settle back into our normal routines of complaining about how the democrats and republicans continue to tax us out of everything we worked for.

  5. In November you're supposed to list all the things you are grateful for. I am grateful for double citizenship, and for having children old enough to take care of themselves while I drink wine, eat chips and binge watch modern family and young enough to come cuddle with me when I need.
