Friday, December 9, 2016

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you are staying nice and warm inside. I was just out taking Drew to work and it is really cold outside.Here are your questions.

1) Are you ready for the temperature to drop down into the teens next week?

2) How are you doing with the snow so far?

3) Are you ready to hibernate for the winter?

4) When you do go out in the winter how many layers of clothes do you end up putting on?

Have a great weekend and stay warm.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Are you ready for the temperature to drop down into the teens next week?
    No, but there's nothing we can do about it. Wait, how about a dome over the whole city? This is the multi-million type of development that lying John loves.

    2) How are you doing with the snow so far?
    So far, so good.

    3) Are you ready to hibernate for the winter?
    Yes, but life won't let me.

    4) When you do go out in the winter how many layers of clothes do you end up putting on?
    Two to four.

    Thank you for the questions this week, THB. You and Drew stay warm, too.
