Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Open Blog -Tuesday

May all your dreams come true today.


  1. I hope everyone is staying warm and if you go outside please make sure you bundle up good.

    I am in the process of making my Christmas cookies I am going to be posting some Christmas decorations that I am going to get.

  2. We aren't in the deep freeze yet. I think Friday it is supposed to be 60 and then 20 on Saturday. I do believe we are paying for the lovely fall we had.

  3. Weather Underground is prediction 5-8 inches of snow on Friday, and then 3-5 inches more on Saturday. Ain't winter in Wisconsin grand?

  4. Daddy Orbs I heard we are suppose to get another 10 inches Friday night into Saturday morning. Thursday is going to be the coldest day this week with only 5 degrees.

  5. I have been busy getting some Christmas cookies done. So far I have Holiday M&M's, Chocolate Chips, Peanut Butter Blossom Kisses and Peanut Butter Blossom Miniture Reese cups. I am going to get Ginger Snaps done today too. I am just busy baking today. I have about ten more different batches to make still.

    I do have one problem I have a cookie thief in the house. Yes that cookie thief is Drew. He has been in the Holiday M&M's and Chocolate Chips. I have to hide the cookies from him or he will eat them all.
