Thursday, February 23, 2017


Sorry I have not been posting any pictures to share with you but the holidays just came way to fast for me. Now that the holidays are over I have been catching up on a lot of my stuff here. I am going to share a few pictures with you and I will try to keep sharing as many pictures as we get them. With this weather being so goofy it has been hard to get the winter birds.

This is an American Bald Eagle the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Bristol Wi. We are taking the picture while the Eagle is flying over the car.

This is a Downy Woodpecker the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Bristol Wi.

           This is a Common Merganser this picture was taken at Festival Park Lagoon in Racine Wi.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we like to go out and take them.