Friday, February 24, 2017

Four for Fridays!

I just can not believe how quick the week has gone by. It has been a real busy week for me and I almost forgot about doing the four for fridays. Here are your questions.

1) Have you cleaned your house and then the next day it looks like you never cleaned it?

2) While we had the warm weather did you go and get your car washed?

3) When was the last time you cleaned out your car?

4) When do you start your spring cleaning?

I hope you have a very nice day.


  1. 1) Have you cleaned your house and then the next day it looks like you never cleaned it?

    2) While we had the warm weather did you go and get your car washed?
    I thought of it, but I'm chronically broke.

    3) When was the last time you cleaned out your car?
    I don't remember.

    4) When do you start your spring cleaning?

    Thank you for the questions, THB.

  2. 1. Oh yeah, bring on the grand kids !
    2. Ahhh nooo, In Wisconsin we get free car washes whenever it today
    3. The last funeral I attended
    4. SEPTEMBER ? lmao How about the last arab spring ?

  3. 1. I once cleaned the house and it was trashed immediately by an impromptu party.
    2. No, I didn't wash the car, but I did enjoy the nice weather.
    3. Every few months it gets unloaded and repacked for new adventures.
    4. Usually in the spring, when it's spring cleaning time, because at any other time it wouldn't be spring cleaning.

    Hey how bout them Bears, they have a streak going on and haven't lost a game for over 6 weeks.

    GO Bears ! ! !
