Friday, March 24, 2017

Alt Four for Fridays!

1)  Do you know how to swim?

2)  Are you afraid to receive shots or vaccines?

3)  What was the last good book you read?

4)  Do you do spring cleaning?

Have a great weekend.  The temperature is supposed to drop like a rock later today.  Spring in Wisconsin.


  1. 1) Do you know how to swim?
    To save my life, maybe, but I'm no Olympic swimmer.

    2) Are you afraid to receive shots or vaccines?

    3) What was the last good book you read?
    Alcoholics Anonymous

    4) Do you do spring cleaning?
    Yes, in the fall.

  2. 1) Yes I do and I am teaching the grandkids when they are here.

    2) Not after having three kids.

    3) The Red Badge of Courage. That was in school I had to write a report about the book.

    4) That is every week.

    Thank you Daddy Orbs for doing Four for Fridays for me. We didn't get home until after 6pm.

  3. 1. Yep, sure do, learned from me pappy before he did done drowned.
    2.Yep, me sister got shot with a vaccine for shingles, you should see her hair now.
    3.The good book of course.
    4. Naw, once you start its already fALL
