Friday, March 10, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone how have you been doing. All is good with Drew and I we hope everything is good with all of you. Here are your questions.

1) Do you like people that tailgate you?

2) Do you tailgate other people?

3) When you have someone that is tailgating you do you slam your brakes on?

4) When you have someone that is tailgating you do you purposely do the speed limit to make them mad?

We hope you have a great weekend. 


  1. 1) Do you like people that tailgate you?
    Of course I do, tailgating is a Green Bay tradition.

    2) Do you tailgate other people?
    Of course I do, especially when Klements and Usinger bratwurst are served.

    3) When you have someone that is tailgating you do you slam your brakes on?
    Of course not, I slam down bratwurst.

    4) When you have someone that is tailgating you do you purposely do the speed limit to make them mad?
    I purposely speed eat the bratwurst, one who eats the fastest eats the most

  2. 1) I hate them.

    2) Not intentionally.

    3) Sometimes I tap my brakes, but usually I pull over into the parking lane or onto the shoulder and give them the finger as they pass me by. One guy resented that. He wanted to fight. I took his picture and left.

    4) No, but I know a guy who does.

    Thank you for the questions this week, THB.
