Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Open Blog - Tuesday

If you say so.


  1. Tuesday it is then

  2. Someone has been trying to deliver something to me. I think it's bill collectors and they want to give me court papers. They called here yesterday and said they had a package for me. Said I"d have to sign for it and the guy should be here by 11:30 AM.
    Interestingly, the Caller ID said "Name Unavailable." They never showed up. However, one of my nieces received a call about me asking if they could leave the package with her. They told her the package is illegal and must be signed for. WTF? I said if it's illegal, deliver it to the police. They called the younger niece which is odd because I always use the elder one for a medical contact. I don't know how they got Debra's number.

  3. Daddy Orbs it is a scam and I would not answer the phone for numbers you do not know. If there is a number that calls my phone and I do not know the number I do not answer the phone I let it go to voice mail.

    I feel so bad for Drew right now he worked 6am to 6pm yesterday and then he had to be back to work 4am this morning and gets off at 2pm. That is 22 hours in two days. He called me on his lunch and I can tell how tired he is right now. I guess this is what you get when you have a week off for vacation.
