Friday, June 2, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Hello and I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather we are having. It is so nice to have the windows open in the house. Here are your questions.

1) Have you finished your spring cleaning?

2) When it is warm outside do you prefer to use the a/c or have windows open?

3) Do you have any allergies when you go outside?

4) What kind of allergies do you have when you go outside?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Have you finished your spring cleaning?
    Not until June 21st.

    2) When it is warm outside do you prefer to use the a/c or have windows open?
    Depends on the humidity

    3) Do you have any allergies when you go outside?
    Yes! Noise allergies

    4) What kind of allergies do you have when you go outside?
    Usually the worst is motorcycle allergies from those primitives who ride those museum pieces......
    Hardly a Davidson

  2. 1) I haven't started.

    2) "Depends on the humidity"

    3) No.

    4) N/A.

  3. 1. Only do summer and winter cleaning
    2. Whatever saves me the most money
    3. Both outside and inside
    4. Hay fever

  4. 1 had my spring cleaning done in early april
    2. I'm an open air type of guy.
    3. nope, Im lucky that way
    4. I kind of like the noise allergy answer, dirt bags on harleys.
    Now reminds me of the joke, Why is a harley better than a hoover......a harley holds two dirt bags.
