Saturday, June 10, 2017

Open Blog - Weekend

Try to keep in the race.


  1. The JT is cutting me off. They want $15 a month for digital access.

  2. The last time this happened, I would jump my IP address with a router. Don't know if I can do that with all this fancy new network bs.

  3. I found a simple hack online that allows you to read the site for free. It just takes a couple extra steps: hack.

  4. The pop up ads will be its demise

  5. Jesus, I went to the JT site earlier this week with my Ad Block disabled. You can hardly find the stories amidst the ads. If I had a spare $15, I might enroll in the JT's site. But as it is I have less than $15 to live the rest of the month on.

  6. Oh hey, I was talking to TWC support again this morning. I could connect to the internet with my tablet but not my PC. I talked to 5 different people, all the while demanding on shore help. They finally sent me back to the USA and the guy found the problem in about 90 seconds. He "fixed" it, but this doesn't bode well for the Operating System if it needed repair in less than a week.

    The guy said the call center in the Philippians was being faded out. Thank God.
